Community Drama Workshops 

U decide, or participatory budgeting, is a way of giving local people the power to spend some public money to benefit their communities. This means they can share some of the responsibility for what happens where they live and make some real changes.

Lewisham residents attended a series of U Decide voting events where they voted for the project ideas they wanted to see put into practice. Projects that received funding included 2 StoneCrabs Drama Projects:

Building A Happier Community

U decide Projects

Building a Happier Community was a series of Drama Workshops offering local residents an opportunity to engage in arts and theatre-based activities, a platform to celebrate the richness of the diversity of people who live around; an environment where people can live together, accepting, sharing and respecting the diversity of age, race and culture.

Acting For Health

U decide ProjectsActing for Health was series of Arts and Drama Workshops for young people aged 8 – 12 years old to engage in developing healthier eating and exercise habits. Over 30 young people took part in various workshops engaging in various dietary and healthy issues through drama, capoeira martial arts and craft. The project culminated with a site-specific performance where an empty garden becomes a rich vegetable patch.