An absurd comedy about loneliness, and the search for truth and self-love in an ultra-connected world. A play within a play with a pandemic in-between.

19 August 7pm (UK) / 3am (Japan)
21 August 7pm (Japan) / 11am (UK)

This is an online event in English and Japanese.

StoneCrabs and Busu Theatre met in Tokyo in 2019 over a series of creative workshops which launched a collaboration between them that explored the themes of connection and isolation. Little did we know that the world would be hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The artists continued (however challenging) to meet over conference calls, exploring various creatives avenues to deliver the project.

We hoped that in 2020 – and then in 2021 – we would be travelling to our respective countries to continue our live performance exchange, and producing an international pilot performance to be shared with both UK and Japan audiences.

Thus H.D.A (work in progress) was born: When a theatre company gets hired to perform an international version of Beckett’s Waiting For Godot, the producer is nowhere to be seen, the director disappears and Beckett’s theatre hero status is challenged when the actors find out that the Beckett estate won’t allow women to perform the piece. What else could go wrong? An absurd comedy about loneliness, and the search for truth and self-love in an ultra-connected world. A play within a play with a pandemic in-between.

H.D.A (work in progress) is an online hybrid (recorded and streamed) experience shared in a Zoom webinar, where you will be able to peek into the work and see highlights of what we now hope to bring to you as a live performance in 2022.

Cast: Akari Kiyama, Ayaka Miwa, Ines Sampaio, Ecco Shirasaka
Director UK: Franko Figueiredo
Co-director Japan: Ecco Shirasaka
Photography Japan: YOH
Photography UK: Luke Galloway
Filming/Editing UK: Space Face Films
Filming Japan: Mami Takahashi
Digital Technologist Japan: YEH CHIAHSING
Lighting Japan: Eishi Katsumoto, Saki Toriumi (LIGHTING LAB Ltd.)
Assistant Director Japan: Kayoko Maruyama

Filmed at OMEGA TOKYO and Nelville Studio (Nottingham Playhouse) UK.





孤独、愛、そして、ultra-connected world(テクノロジーによって、人々が容易に繋がることができ、既に人々の許容範囲を超えているとも考えられる現代社会のこと)における真実の探求についての不条理コメディ。パンデミック中の劇中劇。




チケット£10 / イベントブライト リンク経由

キャスト & スタッフ: 希山明里, 三輪絢香, Ines Sampaio, 白坂恵都子 | 演出 英国; Franko Figueiredo | 共同演出 日本: 白坂恵都子 | 写真 日本: YOH | 写真 英国: Luke Galloway | 撮影・編集 英国: Space Face Films | 撮影 日本: 高橋真実 映像 日本: 葉佳欣 | 照明 日本: 勝本英志・鳥海咲(LIGHTING LAB Ltd.) | 演出助手 日本:丸山加代子

オメガ東京 (日本), Nelville Studio(Nottingham Playhouse) (英国) にて撮影

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