My name is Tristan Fynn-Aiduenu. I am 20 years old and in my 3rd and final year at University of Roehampton.

What does theatre mean to you?
Theatre means using the imagination to explore live decision-making.

Tell us about yourself in 20 words.
I am Black, chocolate, eccentric, gooey, loud, silent, passionate, Gold-always-believe-in-your-soul, theatrical, Garage-loving, Soulful, Tuneless, Ghanaian, African, Human, Spiritual, God-loving, Tristan

What’s your favourite play you’ve seen recently?
House That Will Not Stand by Marcus Gardley, Directed by Indhu Rubasingham. The poetry of the piece was beautifully heightened and the writer was not afraid to write a play of scale for black actors. All actors, especially actresses, were breathtaking and they truly embodied their characteristics and morals.

What’s your favourite colour?

Tell us about your play in 3 sentences.
My play is an inner city epic poem. A storytelling play with morals for the youth of today. Three teenagers desperate to cross into adulthood whilst some are still immature.

Jay Z or Beyonce?
Bey…That woman fierce like thunder

Who’s a director you aspire to be like?
Toby Clarke. He’s not the only one, but I have learnt a great deal from him.

What’s a current topic you feel very strongly about?