What does theatre mean to you?
Theatre is a place as we know involves a lot of hard work but when the show begins just became a magical place where every single second is unique.
Why did you want to become a director?
My aim as a Director is try to bring to the theatre themes that will question contemporary society’s values and behaviours in order to contextualise the way of our relationships are being developing and changing.
How do you feel that your background influences your take on theatre?
As architecture and films are my back ground, gave me references and inspired me to get more deeply in this magical world of theatre. With previous experience in theatre field involved sometimes working as a set and costume designer and sometimes filming and producing theatre’s trailer created a spontaneous way that took me to wish to become a director.
What’s your favourite colour?
Tea or coffee?
Definitely tea.
What do you hope for the future?
I hope for the future people get more committed not only with the local community but creating a world unit. With no differences between race, gender, religion and nationality.